Conduit brings to life this fully animated tale of whimsy for Saatchi & Saatchi Cape and their client the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business.
When presented the script by Saatchi creative’s Gareth Cohen and Alex Goldberg, Conduit turned to their incumbent design first principals and emotive narrative delivery as the treatments cornerstone.
Curious Times is the love child of dedication to the design and animation process, thousands of hours of render and computing time and the seamless delivery of production logistics by the experienced post production team at Conduit.
Client: UCT G.S.B
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Cape
Creative Director: Sammy-Jane Thom
Art Director: Gareth Cohen
Copywriter: Alex Goldberg
Agency Producer: Lee-Anne Jacobz
Production Company: Conduit Productions
Director: CONDUIT
Post Production: Conduit’s BEST FULL Studios
Producer: Vanessa Mc Gowan
Art Direction/Design: Marc Ziman
3D Lead: Damien Manuel
3D Character Lead: Andre Davids
3D Generalist: Rohan Visagie
2D Lead: Marc Ziman and David Correia
2D: Megan Abbot
2D Intern: Ryno Eksteen
Score: Soft Light City